Pastor Cheri 

Welcome to our Book-study on the book of the month, The Power Of Your Mind.

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We begin


A God-Given Instrument

God’s greatest desire is for us to live victorious lives and continually enjoy His blessings bequeathed to us in Christ Jesus. But one reason many are still strugling
to live that glorious life is their inability to appropriate to themselves what God has already made available to them. God in His loving-kindness has, however, equipped you with a special instrument to help you appropriate and come into full possession of these manifold blessings. That instrument is your mind!

God has given us several amazing gifts, and they all have their specialised functions. He gave us mouths with which to chart the course of our lives, to confess ourselves into salvation, and beyond that, to where we enjoy the full benefits thereof (Romans 10:9-10). In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us about one of the wonderful gifts God gave us and its function; he said,

“And be not conformed to this world: but BE YE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

This is an important revelation. Paul, by the Spirit, lets us know that God has given us our minds for our transformation. The English word “transformed” is from the Greek word “metamorphoo,” which means “to be transfigured or changed from one form, state, or level to another.”

Imagine that the Scripture stopped at “…be ye transformed”; we would have been at a loss as to how to be transformed. Thank God He told us how! He said we’ll be transformed by the renewing of our minds, not by the renewing of our phones, cars, wardrobes, homes, or bank accounts. You can renew these things all you want, you still won’t be transformed until your mind is renewed. That’s because God has fashioned
your mind as the instrument for your transformation. And this transformation we’re talking about is from one level of glory to another, from one standard of living to a higher and better one, glory to God!

Your mind is unlimited in its potential to create whatever you desire. When you put your mind-power to work, the possibilities are endless. There’re no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself in life.

*What do you want to create, get your mind working on it, before long, you'll have it made*

Your prosperity is not essentially determined by your geographical location or the economy of the nation in which you live. What you become in life is largely determined by the content and quality of your mind, because with your mind you can change
anything about you: with it, you can establish a perfect structure and administration for your life, and enjoy to the utmost the special life God has given you.

However, for all of these to happen, you must know how to use your mind. In other words, the content and character of your mind must be rich and positive enough to pull toward you what you want. Failure to use your mind rightly will only result in stagnation and retrogression, but if you want a transfiguration and transportation to the next level of glory and a higher and better quality of life, then you’ve got to learn to use your mind right.

*Only the right thoughts allow your mind produce the best kind of things and results for you. So feed your mind with the right stuff. You can produce your dream with the right information. Just get exposed to the right  content that would take yo to the next level of success and increase in your life*

This is what the Spirit of God is guiding me through this book to help you discover and understand, so you can effectively harness the power of your mind and channel its contents in a way that’ll help you create a winning, successful, and vibrant life.

*Get your copy of this wonderful book and study it so you can learn on how to use your mind to get the best kind of results in your life!*

List up your hands and worship the Lord!