Pastor Cheri
Thank you Lord Jesus for your manifested presence in this place today, we prepare ourselves for another time of fellowship with the Word and the Spirit and get ourselves ready to be transported to a new and higher level of glory, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.
The first fruit offering is to God a way of demonstrating the principle of putting Him first in all things. It shows the act of loving the Lord with all of your heart, soul and mind. [Matthew 22:32-38]. The first fruit simply refers to the initial or the first harvest of one’s labor and does not necessarily refer to agricultural produce, but whatsoever benefits come to us as a result of our labor or service rendered.
The first fruit offering is the first and the best. It is also belongs to God. (Leviticus 23: 9-10)
The first fruit is anointed. They are hallowed things and you cannot keep them.
Unlike the other offerings where you can make your choice, in the case of the first fruits and the tithes, God specifically says they are His and you must give them to Him. The first fruit was revealed before the tithe (Gen 4:1-4)
The first fruit is the first of your income and should be the best. You do not remove anything from it, you are to give all of it. (Ex 34:26; Lev 23: 9-10; Prov 3:9-10)
* The First Fruit existed before the law (the Old Covenant). Abel brought to God the firstlings of his flock and of the fat portions and the Bible says God had respect and regard for Abel and his offering. (Genesis 4: 3-4)
^ When God spoke to Moses concerning the first fruit, He said “… it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.” Meaning the First Fruit was to be continually given by all of God’s children throughout the ages.(Leveticus 23: 9 – 14)
" God being righteous in all His ways didn’t just ask us to give our first fruit. He also demonstrated the power of the first fruit when He gave His first begotten son for the sins of the world (John 3:16; John 1: 34)
* It is holy and consecrated unto God. (Romans 11: 16). For anything to be presented to God, it has to be sanctified that be presented through the Holy Spirit. Pray over your first fruit, speak God’s word concerning it before presenting it to God (Romans 15: 16)
* It is the best quality (Numbers 18:12-13).. In Genesis 4: 3-5, God rejected Cain’s offering because it was not the best quality of what he got. God is concerned about the quality of your First Fruit (Deuteronomy: 19 – 22)
* It is given in whole, not in parts. It is compulsory for you to bring in everything, you are not to take from it (Deuteronomy 26: 2)
* It is brought in without delay. Don’t postpone giving of your First Fruit. (Ex 22: 29)
It brought in with an attitude of thanksgiving; for God loves a cheerful and prompt to do it giver, whose heart is in his giving. (2 Cor 9:7; Deut 26: 10 – 11)
Study these Scriptures
Genesis 4:3 – 4
Romans 11:16
Deuteronomy 15: 19 - 22
I affirm that this is my year of completeness!
I am set on the course on which I must follow.
I am a water carrying cloud, a cloud of glory.
The Father has granted me supernatural insight, wisdom, and knowledge, and I have all it takes to complete my assignment.
I’ve been translated from the domain of darkness into God’s glorious Kingdom of light, where I reign and rule over circumstances.
My prosperity is independent of financial conditions of nations and governments.
Through my confession of the Word, I’m on a perpetual victory parade.
I have access to the throne room of grace; thus, I am connected to the unsearchable riches of the kingdom.
My mind is blessed, and I am innovative! My abilities are limitless;
I’m positioned by the Spirit for success, greatness, and glory.
No barrier can stand in my path.
There’re no impossibilities or limitations to me; I am full of might and power by the Spirit of the Lord, for works of righteousness.
I am an associate of the God-kind; Christ has taken up His abode in my spirit, and I’ve become His living tabernacle, and operational centre.
Daily, I live the Christ-life and unveil His character, glory, wisdom, grace, and righteousness, in an ever-increasing measure. Glory to God. Hallelujah!