Pastor Cheri
Lord we thank you for your Word coming to us today, our hearts and minds are open to receive and we receive gladly with faith ad meekness, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Praise the Lord!
Upon giving your life to Christ, you received His nature, righteousness and His life. You received these so you can live and function like Him here on earth.
The life of God is the life Jesus brought to us when He rose from the dead. He rose with a new kind of life that knows no death, it is a transcendent life. Hallelujah!
This life qualifies you to live like God because it is the very life of God with which He is living with.
This life is called Zoe in Greek which is the life of God.
The Lord Jesus entered the disciples' room with the doors and windows shut with this life. He didn't need to go through the door or peep through the window, He had Zoe! Hallelujah!
"And as they thus spoke, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you." Luke 24:36.
With Zoe, you can work wonders. You can do the unimaginable, things that the human mind cannot fathom! Hallelujah!
This life is not for the sweet-by-and-by, it has be released to you now, its yours now, your present hour possession. You are not about to get it, it’s yours now for the taking.
What you should be talking about now is how you are living this life and what you have done with it.
You are not having faith for eternal life, it is yours already. It has been imparted to your spirit. It is a vital reality! Hallelujah!
When you received salvation, this life came into you. It came to give you a new kind of existence. You exist now for God with His life working in you.
This realm is where we function in as believers and we live there by faith.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1.
This life is real now, you have to be conscious of it everyday. This is to enable us live the authentic Christian life now, here on earth. It's not a life to be lived later on, but now.
It's a present hour reality.
You can't have this kind of life and remain sick, afflicted or in pain. You can't have this kind of life and remain poor, you can never be disadvantaged with this life. This life is part of our credentials for salvation.
This life is what controls you to do the right things at every point in time. It guides your daily living. You stand out amongst others, you are different, lifted above those around you, all because of this life.
Zoe causes you to live beyond the limits. It works in every fibre of your being, every bone of your body and every cell of your blood. It helps you live beyond obstacles and barriers everyday.
It fills every area of your life with Zoe and causes only great and glorious things to be produced.
Let this life dominate and control you such that you know nothing else but this life.
Many Christians live ordinary lives because they are not conscious of this life. You have to live this way so your life would be an unending stream of the supernatural, a life of constant victory, success and progress in all ramification.
Don't live carnally like the ordinary man from the ordinary plain of life, be controlled from the spirit realm. This is the secret to a life of unending victories and ever-increasing glory.
As a child of God, you have to live the miraculous daily and bring many into these kind of miracles. Thank God for His power available to us through this life. We present this life before men, bringing them out of poverty, death and lack into their glorious inheritance in God.
Be a distributor of this life as you win souls and talk to others about Jesus, make this life available to them so they can enjoy what you are enjoying, living the good life pre-arranged by God for them. Hallelujah!
Where you blessed?
Lift up your hands and worship the Lord, thank Him.