Pastor Cheri


Thank you Lord for your Word today for us, we receive it gladly, mixing it with faith to produce our desired miracles, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.

When Pastor declared the word for the month, we were launched into abundance in all areas. This is what we call the perfect life. We have become perfect in all things and in all areas. Hallelujah! Nothing is lacking with us.

Turn to Isaiah 60:1
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee."

Whether you are in a city, town or a village, this Scripture is not dependent on where you live. It's not dependent on your job, business, marriage, relationship with others.... Hallelujah!

This is what has been declared concerning you, you that has been born again! All you do is step into it because you are qualified for it. Praise God! It's part if your inheritance in Christ. You are not trying to become it, YOU ARE!!!

Every area we mentioned, your job, business, marriage all follow this way because they are associated with you, this is where people see you shinning and glowing for Jesus.

We are past the middle of the month, what has been your testimony, did you run with the word for the month? Did you receive your harvest? Have you been reaping?

Let's look into the area of soul winning for sometime. Have you been receiving influx of souls? If yes, congratulations! If no, what has been happening?

We have our soul winning days on Saturdays, 2:00pm GMT+1. Have you been participating? This is how we record testimonies of harvest in soul winning. You should get involved and send in the details of the souls you have won so they can be reached. Get them established in Church. This is the way! Hallelujah!

In the area of giving, have been giving? This is the time for that multiplied harvest you have been waiting for. If you have been sowing seeds and giving your partnerships, then you should know what would happen to you financially, your light has come, so shine. It's time to shine. Praise God!

God never leaves you unrewarded as you do His work. The Bible says,
"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6.

You gave by faith, won souls by faith, did your Church cores by faith, what else should you expect? God never leaves you that way, He must bring His Word to pass as He rewards you. Hallelujah!

If you have been in expectation of some things in your life, now is the time to receive. The Bible says,
"For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off." Proverbs 23:18.

This is a very common and popular Scripture, but it's true. For us, this is reaping time. We have sown seeds and we are reaping now! Glory to God!

You may look at your bank account and say, there s nothing in there. No, just hold on something is about to happen. It's time for harvest, it's just a space for a huge financial outbreak! Glory!

Also, If you have not been giving, you have to do so, start with what you have. Your seed is between you and God. The Bible says, man looks at the outward but God looks at the heart. When your heart is in your giving, nothing can stop your prosperity. You should willing and joyfully in your giving.

This does not just apply to money, you can also give your time, your efforts in God’s house. If there is an area you should function in, meet any one in Church, make contacts and join so you can be fruitful in that area in Church. 

Also, give your time to Prayer. Join our Daily Prayer Hour if you are yet to, 7:00am GMT+1 - 8:00am GMT. Click on it's link to pick your Prayer Points for the day. Join daily. Give your time to praying for the Church, praying for souls and for others. Let things change because you prayed, let miracles happen because you prayed. You should be praying, now is the time for your prayer harvests.

When you go about God's business this way, He goes about yours the same way. Also, because you are concerned about His work, He can't do without you.

Don't be an unlooker, be a participator. You have work to do, you have a part that needs to be assigned to you, get intouch and involved with it. Don’t find yourself having someone else doing what you are supposed to be doing. You should be functioning in your destined place if assignment in God’s house, which is God's perfect will for your life. Hallelujah!

You have to place a check on yourself. Where are you now? Where were you before? Have you moved?

Like our book-study says, are you at Bethel, Gilgal, Jericho or have you arrived Jordan?

If you are where you were last year, it is not good enough, that is not showing progress. The life of a child of God us upward and forward. The Bible says,

"The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children."
Psalms 115:14.

"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
Proverbs 4:18.

If this hasn't been happening with you, then you have to check, and not just check, do what has been mentioned, also fit into your Kingdom place, there us a place for you. Hallelujah!

Don't be ignorant if the devil's devices, he wants you falling into his schemes and strategies so you won't shine at all or shine the way you ought to. Put him on the run as you demonstrate your total commitment to God, in giving, soul winning, prayer, and your complete involvement in the Kingdom.

This message is ministering to someone right now, and I would ask if you have been born again? If you are yet to take that bold step, please do so now by saying aloud this prayer

"O Lord God,  I come to You with a willing and open heart, believing in the vicarious work you wrought for me on the cross. Thank you for paying adequately for me, I receive now that salvation you wrought for me, I declare I am, saved, I am born again. I receive eternal life. Come and reign in my life from today, in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Congratulations, you are now God’s child. Use our first timers/new converts link, we have a free gift for you.

I believe we all have had a glorious time today with the Word. Get the Word working as you put it to work!

Lift up your hands and worship God right now.