Pastor Cheri


Father we thank you for your Word today that we are about to receive, we mix it with faith in our hearts and it goes within us and through us, producing in us what jit talks about. Hallelujah!

Welcome to Church today. I believe you have been having a great time. God wants to do something remarkable in your life today, you have to be rightly positioned for it so you can get all of that which he wants to release on you. This is why the Word is coming to you now so you can be rightly positioned to receive. Hallelujah!

The Holy Spirit was given to us as Christians to help us. This is why the Bible calls Him our Comforter.
John 14:16 AMPC
"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever—"
The synonyms for the Word Comforter are outlined in the Scripture above. All these are all that the Holy Spirit is to us .

We need the Holy Spirit in our day to day activities and dealings. This is why the Father sent Him, to be our helper. He is with us to help us through life. He is with us to see to it that we win in life. He is there to make us succeed in life.

The child of God is not without help. God has made provision for us such that we don't lack anything we need, to be on top always.

The Holy Spirit wasn't given to us to be with us for sometime, He is with us forever
John 14:16
"And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever;"

He is ever present with us, He is our ever-present help. This is why we refer to Him as  our Sure Guide. You don't need to look for Him or search for Him to know if He is around, He is always there.

When Jesus said, ...and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world...,  (Matthew 28:20), He was referring to the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost came to help us through the challenges of life. You shouldn't find yourself in any quagmire or unpleasant situation with the Holy Ghost, He is your sure guide.

When you have a situation before you and you don't know what to do, the Holy Ghost will guide you out of that situation. Be it your marriage, health, job, business, academics and other areas and spheres of life. All you need do is speak in tongues, as you fellowship by speaking in tongues, He shows you the way out.

Those of the world haven't come to understand who the person of the Holy Spirit is. They find themselves in different kind of situations that they have no business being in, they go through challenges that they can't explain how they found themselves in. They don't have the Holy Ghost to help them come out of these unpleasant situations, they don't even know how to come out of these troubles. They need a guide, they need direction, they need the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!

With the Holy Ghost, you can never miss it in life. He will lead and direct you, He will show you the way out of any situation. He is you your Pilot, He is your Driver, He is taking you forward. Hallelujah!

God has your life planned out and it's in the direction of success and progress, it's upward and forward. There should be no blue day for you. You are set on a course to only win in life. Hallelujah!

The Bible says,
"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Proverbs 4:18.
This is achieved through the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!

All that you do in life should have a link to the Holy Ghost. Anything pertaining to you that is not linked to the Holy would come down. Link your health, your marriage, your job, your business, your home, your marriage, your children, your family, to the Holy Ghost. These areas won't function well without the Holy Ghost. He needs to put things in place in these areas and also other areas of your life. These are sensitive areas that require attention and proper management, they need the touch of the Spirit to do well.

Your life should be one of joy and peace and this can only be actualized by ghe Holy Ghost.

Take counsel from the Spirit as you take decisions and make choices. He is the wisdom you need to do well in your life. Don't let anything happen to you by chance, don't find yourself making mistakes. Let your life br organised as you you yield to the Holy Ghost and allow Him take charge of your life. He never fails. He has seen the end from the beginning so He knows the 'What,' 'How' and 'Why.' You can trust Him. Learn to trust the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!

As you do these things, you'll find yourself soaring high in the spirit and of course, it will reflect in the physical. Get ready to win and win again as you recognize and make the Spirit of God your sure guide. Hallelujah!

Lift up your hands and worship God!